Whether you're just starting out with BJJ or an experienced student, there are always different techniques and things to learn, including how to avoid making some common mistakes that we see in students across the board. Here are some tips and tricks to keep in mind to avoid and overcome these mistakes so that your progress, learn, and develop even faster in BJJ without throwing in the towel.
1. Taking Things Way Too Seriously
While BJJ is highly competitive, it's important not to take things so seriously that you lose out on the fun of the sport. Always take seriously remembering your form, proper technique, and general rules of the match. But remember that it's okay and important to make mistakes so that you can learn and grow. Losing a match is an opportunity to learn valuable lessons that will allow you to develop your BJJ skills.
2. Improper Breathing
This happens not only during BJJ but also those who practice weight training. When we exert physical activity and push our body's boundaries, we fall back into tensing our muscles and breathing improperly or even holding our breath. Always remember to stay relaxed when rolling and generally during your BJJ session so that your muscles don't tense up. Try to stabilize your breathing as much as possible to avoid depleting your body of energy.
3. Not Stabilizing Your Weight
This typically happens to beginners but can happen with any BJJ student. Leaning too far and shifting your weight forward could lead to your opponent being able to throw you. But leaning too far back could allow your opponent to sweep you. Maintaining your core and stabilizing your weight takes time and practice. Focus on creating a good center of gravity to create a solid base for yourself.
4. Overstretching Your Arms
It's natural to want to overextend our arms to keep or push our opponents away. But the further away your arm is from your body, the weaker and more susceptible to injury it becomes. It also creates a large gap that your opponent can use against you. Avoid a severe injury and increase your strength by keeping your arms close. If you're a beginner, over time, you'll become more and more comfortable with close body contact.
5. Prioritizing Strength over Technique
While strength definitely helps with BJJ, the most important things to focus on are your form and technique. BJJ became popular because it showed that smaller opponents can definitely larger opponents by using their weight against them. Focus on perfecting your techniques with framing, bridges, and hip movements. This will elevate your BJJ status even further.
Remembering these tips will help you avoid costly mistakes during your BJJ sessions and allow you to climb through your belt colors even faster. We're always here to help guide you and ensure you feel comfortable while training and learning.